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Vinyl Dye

- Original Colors   - Custom Colors   - NO Cracking   - Superior Adhesion & Flexibility   - Won't fill in grain

This is a touchy subject with some and for good reason!! Many have tried and many have failed but USA1 Interiors has even surprised themselves over and over with how durable and beautiful of a finish its USA1 Colors brand of interior dyes provides!!!  This stuff is expensive, very expensive, but when compared to a $8.00 aerosol can of a universal color interior paint from your local auto parts store that cracks and peels an hour after you coat your product our product is a great value!  

The same stuff we sell you in the can is the same stuff we use on all our products everyday!!! There is no magic here, from our dyed vinyl dash pads to plastic interior door panels our factory matched colors will provide your interior with an original look and and beautiful finish that doesn't even look like its been dyed!!

Works on....Vinyl, Plastic, Carpet, Velour, and Properly Prepped & Primed Metal
